7 Design Tips For Your Best Office 

Designing an office is a major role in its function. Many factors can make or break your workflow. Here are some tips to keep in mind, whether it be creating an office space from scratch, or redesigning an existing one. 

Plan ahead 

Never go into big projects blindly. There’s nothing worse than investing in top-dollar desks, only to realize you never needed them in the first place, or perhaps someone beat you to it and now you have more desks than you know what to do with. Planning ahead will not only eliminate confusion but also hand out responsibilities and pick out what is needed. Layouts are also helpful in deciding what would be best where. 

Establish a budget

The most important thing to keep in mind is your budget. You never want to overspend money you don’t have. Don’t be afraid to get thrifty- reusing items or springing for more inexpensive options on certain things can lead to the ability to cash in on other units. 


Sift through what is most important to least important. First focus on the staple items- then get to the fun stuff. You can’t have a functioning office with no desks or chairs. It’s great to want to add things not necessarily needed, like televisions or decor, but make sure you secure needs over wants. 

Set aside space

It can be tempting to want to jam-pack your office with lovely decor, furniture, and plants, but keep in mind this can be overwhelming and uncomfortable. In regards to design, less is typically more. Open space can prove more comfortable and roomy. If you’re not confident in your design abilities, perhaps invest in an interior designer. 

Remember lighting

Believe it or not, light has a huge impact on productivity, health, and overall mood. Natural light is ideal, but not always possible. If your office doesn’t account for enough natural lighting, invest in some lamps or ceiling lights that imitate it. 

Consider networking 

In an office, you want employees to mingle and collaborate. A designated “meeting spot” is a great way to encourage this. Maybe have a table and chairs with some computers in an area. A place to relax is also important. Establish a break area for employees to retreat if they need a break. Try to keep this area free from any work-related items. 

Mind temperature

Temperature, like lighting, can have a great effect on productivity. It is impossible to account for everyone, but making the effort to make sure everyone's comfortable is important. Be aware of areas directly underneath overhead a/c vents or right next to windows, as these can cause issues. 

When designing a new office, it is important to keep in mind a few known tips to get the most out of your space. The most important thing to keep in mind is function. A well-designed office can help a business run smoothly.